
What You Need To Know About Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can happen to anyone. If you have an ingrown toenail, chances are it’s difficult to put on shoes and want to walk around. Your podiatrist can help with an ingrown toenail, so you can get back on your feet.

What You Need To Know About Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can happen if you have toenails that curve downward as they grow. Curved toenails can grow into your skin. The pressure causes a buildup of fluid and blood, bruising, swelling, and pain. Ingrown toenails can also be caused by an injury or trauma to your toes or toenails. One of the most common causes of ingrown toenails is cutting your toenails too short. You can help prevent ingrown toenails if you:

  • Always wear comfortable shoes with plenty of toe room
  • Always cut your toenails straight across with no rounded corners
  • Avoid cutting your toenails too short

For occasional ingrown toenails, you may be able to get relief if you:

  • Soak your toe several times daily in warm water
  • Place dental floss underneath your toenail to keep it out of your skin
  • Support and cushion your toe with cotton
  • Apply antibiotic cream and bandage your toe
  • Wear sandals or open-toed shoes until your toe heals

If you suffer from ingrown toenails frequently, it’s time to visit your podiatrist for treatment. Your podiatrist may recommend professional treatments including:

  • Thinning or trimming your toenail to reduce pressure
  • Lifting the nail up off the surrounding tissue to allow the nail to grow freely
  • Removing part or all of your ingrown toenail to allow a healthy new nail to grow

Want To Know More?

Your podiatrist uses all of the latest techniques and technologies, including laser therapy and other methods, to help you get relief from ingrown toenails. To find out more about the causes and treatments of ingrown toenails, talk with an expert. Call your podiatrist today.

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